How To Choose A Memorable Indoor Event Venue In The Time Of Corona

The global coronavirus pandemic has affected millions of people in different ways. It's resulted in record-breaking event cancelations and creative new ways to celebrate with family. Though the outlook is still a little unclear, many businesses and venues are reopening with new ways to celebrate safely. In this article, you'll discover how to choose an awesome indoor event venue in the time of corona. Map Out Your Guest List The first step in choosing an impressive venue is to map out your guest list. [Read More]

5 Intangible Services A Wedding Planner Will Perform

Most brides and grooms know that a wedding planner can help reduce the couple's workload. But did you know that a wedding planner helps create the perfect day by contributing in many intangible and unrecognized ways? Here are five of these less-understood but highly valuable services a good planner can offer.  1. Design Advice Wedding planners have seen what works and what doesn't. So if you are a bride or groom who is unsure what you want and what will look great, take along a trained pro for some useful and independent advice. [Read More]

A Mini Guide To Choosing The Perfect Venue For Your Upcoming Wedding

Choosing a wedding venue is an exciting experience, but it can also be a little overwhelming. Here is a mini-guide you can use to make the process of finding that perfect wedding venue an easier and more enjoyable experience overall: Make a List of Essentials The first thing you should do before you even start looking for a wedding venue is sit down and make a list of things that you feel will be essential for your wedding day. [Read More]

3 Things a Corporate Audio Visual Rental Service Can Help You Accomplish

Whenever your company hosts an event, the event production quality reflects on your business. A clean, polished event sends clear messages of professionalism that will increase your clients' and colleagues' trust in your company. Don't leave the quality of your next event up to chance. Make sure you put on the best event possible by hiring a corporate audio visual rental company. Here are three things a corporate audio visual rental service can help you accomplish: [Read More]